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This winter, practice something different, do you like trekking?, do you like the snow? Come and put you on some snowshoes. We have different routes in the Sierra de Javalambre, and the Pyrenees so you can enjoy them at the top. As an additive, we can enjoy a good meal after the activity. And if need you, we also transport at your disposal. 1, 2, or several days packages.

Snowshoes are a few tools that are attached to the boots and are used to navigate with more convenience and speed on icy or snow-covered ground, used especially in the practice of hiking. They distribute the weight of the person on a larger surface so that the foot does not sink completely into the snow, as a result of which is called «floating». Snowshoes, mostly, are made of light metal or are a single piece of plastic attached to the foot to spread the weight also, they usually have some elements that improve the original design, such as: Union of the racket by the toe walking using a pivot axis. This allows lifting the heel and bend the knee without lifting the whole weight of the racket.

  • Small crampons or blades on the sole to walk on hard snow or ice.
  • Boost heel, making more rested promotions by modifying the inclination of the foot.
  • Front hook, which improves the grip on the descents.

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